Rubbernecking for Roadside Grasslands


We are partnering with the Tennessee Department of Transportation to document grassland and pollinator habitat along Tennessee's highways. We have over 4000 miles to cover so we need the help of naturalists across Tennessee! We’ll be conducting both in-person and remote training sessions for anyone interested in participating. The trainings will include an iNaturalist tutorial, how to go about an ecological survey on roadsides, a crash course in field botany, and more. For a list of upcoming training opportunities, see the SGI facebook event page. For any other information or questions, email Cooper Breeden, Conservation Coordinator, at

Links to the iNaturalist projects are listed here. If you’re wondering which regions you will be rubbernecking, we’ve included a handy map for you.

We have links to helpful resources, including a digital version of the Rubbernecking for Roadside Grasslands Field Manual, downloadable volunteer forms, and other helpful information.
