Charting SGI’s Communication Activities for 2022: What do you want to hear from us?

This is the time of year when many people take a few minutes to review the past year and think about what we want to do in the coming year. We’re doing that within SGI, as well. One of the areas where we want to improve in 2022 is with our communications and outreach.

We have lots of ideas for things we want to share with you, but we also want to know what you want to hear about. In addition to what we talk about, there is also the question of how and where we talk about it. Today, there are literally hundreds of options and formats that we could choose from. Again, we have ideas, but also want to make sure we are focusing on the formats that you use and prefer.

With that in mind, will you please take a few minutes to share your thoughts and ideas with us?

  • If you have 3 minutes to help, please take this 2 question survey.

  • If you have 5 minutes to help, please take this 4 question survey.

  • If you have 8 minutes and are ambitious, feel free to do both surveys.

Both surveys are anonymous and will close on January 10, 2022.

Thank you for helping us chart the course of our communications activities for 2022. Expect to hear a lot more from us in the coming year.